News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

In Memoriam: Dean Paisley

The Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) community is grieving the loss of Dean Paisley, who served the association, its membership, and our industry for many years.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Prorate and IRP Processing Experiencing Wait Time Reductions

Federally regulated carriers in Alberta can partake in the International Registration Plan (IRP) through the Alberta Transportation IRP Online system (ATIOS), administered through Alberta’s Prorate Services, to save from getting trip permits when they leave the province. AMTA’s Compliance & Regulatory Affairs (CRA) has been meeting regularly with Prorate Services to relay industry feedback and find ways to reduce processing times.

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News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Media Advisory: Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) names 2023 board chair, new directors

Doug Paisley, of LTT Logistics and RK Trailer Rentals – based out of Lethbridge, has been named Chair of the AMTA Board of Directors for the 2023 term. Paisley has served as an AMTA board member since 2011, most recently as Immediate Past Chair from 2019-2022. He was also the Board chair from 2018-2019.

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News Releases, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Releases, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

AMTA congratulates 2022 Awards winners

Each year, as part of its AGM, AMTA celebrates the achievements of professionals in the commercial transportation industry who go above and beyond expectations. This year, AMTA honours six individuals who have made significant impacts to the association and/or industry.

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News Updates, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

ELDs and HOS Monitoring: What You Still Need to Do and What Is New

Dave Elniski, AMTA Industry Advisor, Safety & Compliance

Federally regulated carriers in Canada need to be ready for the enforcement of the electronic logging device (ELD) rule which will be starting on January 1st, 2023. Given this deadline is fast approaching, it is important carriers consider how their daily compliance habits will be affected. This article will, hopefully, ease some of the confusion that exists around the ELD rule on two specific topics: regular hours of service (HOS) monitoring and managing ELD malfunctions.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

What is Railway Safety week 2022?

Every year, more than 2,100 North Americans are killed or seriously injured because of unsafe behaviour around tracks and trains. Every one of these incidents and deaths are preventable. By looking out for each other and working together, we can help keep our communities safe and prevent injuries and fatalities on or near railway property.

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News Releases, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Releases, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) celebrating Driver Appreciation Days at local vehicle inspection sites

Commercial drivers ensure we have what we need for our day-to-day lives, from the food on our shelves to the shoes on our feet, and AMTA’s annual Driver Appreciation Days are a small way to say, on behalf of all Albertans, ‘thank you.’

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News Releases, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Releases, AMTA Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Release: Free Rein Resources and the Alberta Motor Transport Association Sign Blue Hydrogen MOU

For Immediate Release (Calgary, Alta.) – The Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) and Free Rein Resources (Free Rein) have jointly announced the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to explore a commercial-scale business to produce blue hydrogen for use in heavy trucks in Alberta. Under the terms of the MOU, Free Rein will be responsible for collecting and studying data and information relating to the production and safe disposal of any CO2 produced during production, while AMTA will assess the viability of transportation, storage, and distribution.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

A Balanced View

Dave Elniski, Industry Advisor, Safety & Compliance

I find it interesting how quickly I can focus on one part of the industry. Take Alberta’s dual registration program, for example (which, pardon my unapologetic plug, can be found at this link). Dual registration became my biggest focus when I was working on that bulletin, and I’ve found it useful in work I’ve done with carriers since it came out.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

ChainSmart™ changing trucking for the better

When it comes to managing one’s safety on the road, even the most seasoned commercial drivers will tell you that knowing when and how to install tire chains can mean the difference between getting home safely at the end of the day… or not.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Changes to Federal Privacy Legislation Could Cost Federally Regulated Carriers

On June 16, the Canadian government tabled new workplace legislation that specifies what employers can and cannot do in terms of employee privacy. Bill C-27[1], is designed to update Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), to create a new tribunal, and propose new rules for artificial intelligence (AI) systems.[2]

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