AMTA Driver of the Month Award

AMTA’s 2024 Driver of the Month Sponsor

Nominate your outstanding driver for AMTA's Driver of the Month! Winners receive recognition, a certificate, and more. All of our monthly winners then have an opportunity to win our annual Driver of the Year Award.

Nominations are due the first Tuesday of each month. Click the link to nominate or email us at for questions.

Compulsory Criteria

The Candidate must:

  • Must hold a valid Alberta Driver’s License under classes Class 1, 2, or 3.

  • Be employed for at least 12 months as a full-time driver with their current employer.

  • Show a minimum of two years of non-preventable incidents/collisions with no traffic violations on their record. Please provide the most current commercial drivers abstract on file for the pre-screen. Once successful, a full application will be emailed to you. At that time, we will require a minimum five-year commercial drivers abstract dated no longer than 30 days after the application date.

  • Show compliance with the driver’s portion of NSC for at least two years (no incidents or warnings on the driver's record due to non-compliance), of which the carrier’s representative must verify.

  • Attend company safety meetings.

  • Show professionalism in daily operations (be helpful towards other drivers, management, customers, the public, etc).

  • Adhere to all company policies and procedures.

The company must:

  • Be a Member of AMTA in good standing i.e. WCB Account member in one or more of the following industry codes; 50714, 50701 and/or 57901, an Associate Member company, and/or a paid AMTA member company, outside of the WCB Accounts group. To assist in the committee’s selection process, provide any additional supporting information and/or documentation to assist in validating and enhancing the nominee’s package for consideration (i.e. newspaper clippings, letters of commendation, etc).

General Information

  1. Once the nominated driver's pre-screen application is selected by the committee to be eligible for the DOM program, then the full application will be sent to the nominator to fill out the remainder of the form.

  2. A committee chosen from AMTA members will be solely responsible to choose the successful candidates. The driver selection committee’s decisions are final.

  3. The entirety of the nomination form must be completed in order to be eligible for consideration for the award. Any missing information will result in the delay of the application.

  4. When a winning candidate is successfully chosen as an AMTA Driver of the Month, the company will be contacted to ensure that the candidate's driving and compliance record and abstract of the nominee have not changed since the application was originally submitted, then arrangements will be made for the presentation at the next month’s Regional Meeting nearest to the driver’s/submitting company’s office location (In-person meetings only).

  5. Candidates successful in receiving the Driver of the Month Award, will then automatically become eligible for the Alberta Provincial Driver of the Year Award, which will be awarded at the AMTA Annual Conference.

  6. If the candidate is successful in being awarded the AMTA Driver of the Year Award, they will then automatically be entered and become eligible for the Federal, Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) Driver of the Year Award..

  7. Applications for AMTA Driver of the Month will be considered for one calendar year.  An updated drivers abstract will be requested if past 30 days.