News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Province makes changes to the CAJG to help grow businesses

The Alberta government has announced it is temporarily expanding eligibility to the Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) in an effort to help businesses access training. The expansion is in effect through Feb. 28, 2022.

Expanded eligibility includes funding mandatory training, allowing employers to train employed family members and allowing some business owners to get funding to train themselves.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

CTA: CBSA Issues Policy Direction on ArriveCAN

Released by the Canadian Trucking Alliance (Feb. 19) – On February 14th the Government of Canada issued an Order in Council declaring that all travellers must use the ArriveCAN App for the purpose of re-entering Canada. As truck drivers are essential travellers, CTA has worked on clarifying the impact of this Order in Council on truck drivers that cross the border for work purposes. Late this evening, CTA received this clarification from the agency.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

January 2021: WCB Update

The Government of Alberta recently passed legislative changes for the workers’ compensation system. Some of these changes took effect on January 1, while others will take effect in April 2021.

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Guest Column Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA Guest Column Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Inspirational Leadership

Some of my greatest success stories to date, occurred when I simply got out of my own way.

Have you ever been involved in a group project at work, and the goal of this project was to solve an ongoing issue that was costing the company money unnecessarily? If so, I am confident at some point in the journey you and a few other colleagues scheduled a meeting to review what would entail resolving this issue.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Weathering Winter

This winter has been quite mild so far. Up until just recently we’ve been quite spoiled, but how about that wind? And with the colder weather looming, you may also be worrying about your buildings – especially if you aren’t there every day. So, how do you protect your business or your commercial property from the weather over the long, cold months of a Canadian winter?

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Trucking HR Canada announces Women with Drive 2021 speaker line-up

Trucking HR Canada today announces the Women with Drive 2021 full speaker line-up, featuring a stellar group of panelists from around the world.

The summit’s theme, Linking Global Leaders, brings a global perspective on how the Covid-19 pandemic is impacting work in the trucking industry. The event boasts women from around the globe including Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Small videos bringing big perspective to workplace safety

In commercial transportation, and all industries, a safe workplace is a successful one.

The Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) is aiding fleets in ensuring a safe workplace with the production 17 initial educational micro-learn videos – the first of which, Jumping to Contusions – was released in December 2020.

This micro-learning project stemmed from a casual conversation between the AMTA and Full Carrier Member Canada Cartage at an association Regional Meeting early 2020.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Alberta Sheriffs: Sheriff highway patrol update

ELD Update  

Transport Canada announced on Oct. 26, 2020 Electronic Logging Device (ELD) certification body FPInnovations has been accredited as the first third-party organization to certify electronic logging devices in Canada. The purpose of the certification body is to ensure electronic logging devices submitted for testing are safe, reliable, and approved for use in Canada.  

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Guest Column Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA Guest Column Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Reflecting on Progress

Well, friends, I believe we have gone somewhere that quite possibly no other has gone before.

By the time you are reading this edition of Josh’s Corner, we will be nearing, or at, the end of 2020. As we approach the end of this year, I think it is fair to say we have a number of reasons to express gratitude.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

CPS: You may be wondering how the new impaired driving rules in Alberta affect you as a driver of a commercial vehicle

Submitted by Calgary Police Service

The following outlines the new procedure for commercial drivers and the consequences of becoming subject to immediate roadside sanctions if stopped by law enforcement and mandatory alcohol screening, or a Roadside screening test shows evidence of alcohol consumption.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

CN Police: Railway safety

Submitted by CN Police

CN has a vast network of 14,000 public grade crossings and over 45,000 km of track across Canada. As a professional driver there is a good chance you will have to cross a set of these tracks to get to your destination.

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