Safety Moment: Road Rage
Submitted by Ranjo Sanghera, Bison
Road rage is a type of aggressive driving that results from heightened emotions like anger and frustration behind the wheel.
Safety Moment: Spring is upon us
Submitted by Jim Semeschuk, NCSO, ASHSP - Southern Trucking (a division of Southern Messenger)
Safety Moment: Spring is upon us
Safety Moment: Intersection Safety
Submitted by Dave Davis, Enmax
This Safety Moment is a reminder to slow down and proceed carefully through roadway intersections. Statistics from the Alberta Government show intersection-related collisions increase in the month of January – mostly due to winter conditions. The province says one in four collisions on Alberta roadways occur at an intersection. The risk of intersection collisions increases when pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists converge. Drivers should be aware of the risks and watch their speed, make proper left turns, stop at stop signs and obey all traffic signals.
Safety Moment: Wildfire Awareness
Submitted by Chad Eamer, Civeo
According to the National Forestry Database over 8,000 fires occur each year and burn an average of over 2.1 million hectares Also, lightning causes about 50% of all fires but accounts for about 85% of the annual area burned, this is all within Canada.
Safety Moment: Respecting Student Drivers
Submitted by: Don MacDonald, CCA Truck Driver Training Ltd.
We have all seen them out there on the roads. The slow moving vehicle with the dreaded “Student Driver” signs on them. It seems, for most people, the natural response to this sighting is to step hard on the fuel pedal and get out around those vehicles. People tend to feel driver training vehicles are a nuisance on the road. Sometimes, I don’t necessarily disagree with that theory. I will agree, it is somewhat annoying when a traffic light turns green and the driver in front of you is still trying to decide if it is safe or not to go.
Dave’s Truck Stop: Responding to a Collision: Four things to have within arms reach
Back in 2019, I was trucking a load of hay into Saskatchewan. En route, I was stopped at a small town railway crossing when a car failed to stop for an oncoming train.
Practical advice for reducing your risk of MSIs while driving and securing your load
Transportation workers are no strangers to musculoskeletal injuries, especially in the back, neck, shoulders, and legs. Yet, even though their work is vastly different than that of other industries, we all face a common problem: lack of movement.
Leading our teams, ourselves, with a safety focused mindset
Thank you for the opportunity to lead the safety moment today.