CN Police: Railway safety

Submitted by CN Police

CN has a vast network of 14,000 public grade crossings and over 45,000 km of track across Canada. As a professional driver there is a good chance you will have to cross a set of these tracks to get to your destination.

Drivers must take extra care in freezing rain, snow, sleet and whiteouts and adjust your driving according to these conditions. When approaching a railway crossing, slow down on the approach with the ability to stop safely if needed.  If part of your tractor or trailer damages the crossing gates, report this immediately to your supervisor and CN.  The number one causal factor for collisions at crossings is drivers disobeying railway signs, being complacent or in a rush. Please don’t let this be your mindset.   

 Here are some additional tips to be aware of: 

-The average train is 5,500 tonnes, compared to an average 9.5 tonne tractor 

-A train travelling 100km/hr will on average take two-kilometres or 18-20 football fields to stop

-Ensure you have space to completely clear the crossing. If you “don’t fit, don’t commit to the crossing”

-Slow down and look both ways before proceeding over the crossing

-Stop no closer than five metres from the nearest rail

-Don’t be distracted by your trucks electronics or phone. 

-To contact CN Police or to report a railway concern, please call 1-800-465-9239. 


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