News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

World’s Largest Truck Convoy 2016 a success

A huge shout out to the drivers, sponsors, law enforcement and volunteers for their time and dedication in promoting, participating and setting up this year’s World’s Largest Truck Convoy for Special Olympics Alberta 2016 Calgary.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

CTA Briefing: Packed rooms in Calgary and Edmonton

ELDs, harmonizing standards for carrier profiles, upcoming changes to Canadian rules for marijuana and new food safety rules, were all on the agenda at the September briefing delivered by Canadian Trucking Alliance representatives on their recent visit to Alberta.

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Industry Asked to Rank Top Concerns

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), the trucking industry’s not-for-profit research organization, has launched the 2016 Top Industry Issues Survey. The annual survey, commissioned by the American Trucking Associations (ATA), asks trucking industry stakeholders to rank the top issues of concern for the industry along with appropriate strategies for addressing each issue. The survey is in its 12th year and participation by trucking stakeholders has grown each year.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Upcoming CVSA Blitz: Brakecheck 2016 (Sept 11 – 17)

During the week of Sept. 11-17, 2016, law enforcement agencies across North America will conduct inspections on large trucks and buses to identify out-of-adjustment brakes, and brake-system and anti-lock braking system (ABS) violations as part of CVSA’s Brake Safety Week, an annual outreach and enforcement campaign designed to improve commercial motor vehicle (CMV) brake safety throughout North America.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

CVSA Releases Results from Unannounced Brake Check One-Day Event

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) held its annual, unannounced brake check day on May 4, 2016, as part of its Operation Airbrake program. CVSA-certified inspectors in 31 participating U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories checked brakes on 6,128 commercial motor vehicles.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Canadian Trucking Alliance 2016 Fall Tour

Calgary (Sept. 14), Edmonton (Sept. 15)

Canadian Trucking Alliance representatives will be visiting Alberta this fall to deliver an information briefing on key issues: food safety regulations, electronic logging devices (ELDs), carrier profiles and roadside inspections. CTA representatives will deliver a presentation and then take questions from the floor.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Take Our Kids to Work Day Showcases Trucking as a Career of Choice

On November 2, 2016 grade nine students across Canada will spend the day in a parent, friend or volunteer’s workplace learning about a possible career path. Take Our Kids to WorkTM day is a national program highlighting a range of careers to help students connect school, work, and their future plans. This year, Trucking HR Canada is joining up with The Learning Partnership, a national organization dedicated to promoting and advancing publicly funded education, to champion this event — and we’re asking you to take part.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Canada Takes Another Step Towards an ELD Mandate

The Government of Canada has taken another important step towards the introduction of a mandate to require the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) by federally-regulated motor carriers and commercial vehicle drivers. The mandate would apply to those federally-regulated bus and truck carriers and drivers who are currently required to carry a log book and demonstrate compliance with the federal Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service (HOS) regulations.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Drugged Driving is Impaired Driving

Hard facts about drug impaired driving

In 2015, nearly half of all 24 hour licence suspensions were due to drug impairment.

A recent Canadian study of alcohol and drug use among drivers found that drug use in nighttime drivers exceeded that of alcohol use. In Canada, studies indicate that drugs are found in up to 40 per cent of fatally injured drivers (TIRF).

In Alberta, 21 people were killed and 305 people were injured in drug-involved casualty collisions (2010-2014).

A growing body of research suggests that marijuana use — particularly chronic use — can negatively affect mental and physical health, brain function (memory, attention and thinking) and driving performance (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse).

About 16 per cent of 15–24 year olds in Canada report riding as a passenger with a driver who has smoked cannabis within the previous two hours (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse).

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Transport Canada Analysis Shows 2:1 Benefit to Cost Ratio for ELD Mandate

Momentum continues to build towards the implementation of a federal ELD mandate in Canada. Transport Canada has released its long-awaited Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) for a proposed mandate that would apply to all federally-regulated vehicles where the driver is currently required to complete a paper logbook.

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