Take Our Kids to Work Day Showcases Trucking as a Career of Choice

On November 2, 2016 grade nine students across Canada will spend the day in a parent, friend or volunteer’s workplace learning about a possible career path. Take Our Kids to WorkTM day is a national program highlighting a range of careers to help students connect school, work, and their future plans. This year, Trucking HR Canada is joining up with The Learning Partnership, a national organization dedicated to promoting and advancing publicly funded education, to champion this event — and we’re asking you to take part.

“We need to raise our industry’s profile among up-and-coming workers”, says Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada, “The day presents a great opportunity for trucking employers to showcase their workplace and get young people excited about careers in trucking”.

A recent study prepared for the Canadian Trucking Alliance predicted a driver gap of 34,000 by 2024, and the ratio of younger to older workers only continues to increase. The average age of a Canadian truck driver is 47.1 years and less than 15% of drivers are between 25–34 years old. But our industry can reverse this trend by showing young people that trucking is a welcoming profession with plenty of upcoming possibilities. Employer participation in this program is meant to expose young people to trucking early so they consider this profession down the road.

To learn more about the program, including tips for involving students, and to download an employer resources toolkit for Take Our Kids to WorkTM, visit the Trucking HR Canada website at:  truckinghr.com


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