CTA Briefing: Packed rooms in Calgary and Edmonton

ELDs, harmonizing standards for carrier profiles, upcoming changes to Canadian rules for marijuana and new food safety rules, were all on the agenda at the September briefing delivered by Canadian Trucking Alliance representatives on their recent visit to Alberta.

Senior CTA leaders, Stephen Laskowski and Geoff Wood, were in Alberta September 14 and 15, part of the western leg of a tour designed to update industry on issues of national interest.

On the much anticipated mandatory adoption in Canada of the electronic logging device (ELD), AMTA members were told they should expect a two year implementation timeline once the legislation passes in parliament, which it hasn’t yet. ELDs, which are supported by CTA, are intended to help create a safer work environment for drivers, and make it easier, and faster to accurately track, manage, and share records of duty status data.

How ELDs will impact driver overtime was a hot topic of discussion, one which AMTA’s Andrew Barnes, Director of Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, strongly encouraged trucking companies to make sure they know the ins and outs of the rules. Andrew said he welcomes calls from CRA members who have questions.

The carrier profile, a measurement of a carrier’s on road performance, and a record of demographic information, accident record, contraventions, and vehicle inspections, is also within CTA’s purview. The federation is seeking alignment between Canadian jurisdictions over what is measured and what is recorded on the carrier profile. CTA would also like electronic inspections to be included on the carrier profile.

Among other topics covered at the meeting: changes anticipated to be announced next spring to the legalization of marijuana in Canada and how it may affect carriers. As well, new food safety legislation and the vital importance for carriers to have a plan to ensure commodities they are carrying are not in violation of any of the codes.

If you have any questions on the topics covered please contact CRA Director Andrew Barnes at 780-395-6145


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