Students salute drivers helping ‘everyone get through these tough times’

Dear drivers,

We are two students from St. Albert and we are writing to you today to thank you for all your hard work. It’s been so nice to know that you take your time to bring food to us. Thank you for putting yourself at risk to keep us stocked with products. Your services are helping everyone get through these tough times.

We are thankful for your efforts that are needed to do this job. Going through so many highways and cars can be nerve-racking, nonetheless, you still get here safely. Thank you for going above and beyond with your hard work and just being who you are. Your work involves you risking your life for our fellow Canadians every day. We are very grateful to have people like you in our country to help us in our time of need. Some people just don’t see the value of truck driving. However, us girls are filled with great joy knowing that you and your crew will be on their way here with supplies to help us survive this frightening pandemic.

Thank you again for driving selflessly all the way across the country for people you don’t even know. We are very glad to have workers like you helping our country. At times like this is where we need you the most and you’re always there to help. Our country wouldn’t be the same without your hard work.


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