Junior High students praise hard work of commercial drivers

Dear truck drivers of Alberta,

We are students of Sir George Simpson junior high school. We both have been going to this school now for three years. We would want to take this time to acknowledge and praise all your hard work. Covid-19 is a very serious virus and we thank you for being brave and helping get products all over Canada.

If it wasn’t for you guys we wouldn’t have all the essential things. We can’t imagine being on the road away from family for as long as you guys are and we appreciate what you do. We know that you have to face a lot of difficulties, whether it be bad weather or a lack of public services. Even through all of that you still go on to deliver the products that keep us happy and healthy. We especially appreciate that you continue to do your job and risk your health so we can have our essentials.

The virus going around threatens everyone and the fact that you are brave enough to continue to do your job is phenomenal. You guys are very brave and if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have most of the things we do. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to get fresh produce or warmer socks. You are one of the most important services that help us get through this pandemic. It must be terrible to be away from your family as much and for as long as you guys are. You sacrifice your time with family just so we can have clothes and food. Thank you for everything you’ve done during this time of crisis.

Thank you for listening and bringing our essential materials. We appreciate what you do and we hope that all of you stay safe.


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