News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Snowplow ahead

We are all familiar with seeing snowplows on Alberta roads and most of us are familiar with the adage “amber and red, snowplow ahead” and behind that is contractors and drivers on the road – sometimes 24/7 – ensuring driving conditions are as safe as possible.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Update: 2022 WCB Industry Rates Announced

On Dec 1, 2021, WCB announced the 2022 industry rates. The average industry rate will increase by 3 cents to $1.17 rather than $1.42, which would be required to cover the total forecasted claims cost for 2022. WCB will absorb the additional costs from its accident fund, to cover $265 million in employer premiums.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Who should lead a Workplace investigation? Health and safety, human resources or a third party?

Workplace investigations can be highly stressful and carry a high degree of risk for an Organization if an investigation goes wrong. Employers need to be aware of those risks and plan any investigation accordingly. A critical decision that will help mitigate risk, is deciding who should conduct the investigation. Depending on the severity and/or seriousness of the incident an investigator could be Health & Safety, Human Resources, or a third party.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

BCTA Recovery Update

BCTA stresses the best resource for real time specifics will always be Drive BC ( ). They will NOT be providing notice of real-time highway conditions as their provincial government is best positioned to do this.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

“Family Status” and Employers’ Duty to Accommodate: The Federal-Provincial Child Care Agreement

On November 15, 2021, the federal and provincial governments announced an agreement to fund the expansion of accessible and affordable childcare. This is a game-changer for working families for several reasons. First, this program will reduce the childcare cost of families by up to half in early 2022 and to $10 a day within five years. Second, this should have a positive effect on the labor market, as many people who have opted to exit the labor market to take care of children for financial reasons may have the incentive to return to work.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

BC Highway Closures and Routing Information: AMTA

In mid-November 2021, the Province of British Columbia experienced significant rainfall which caused widespread flooding and mudslides. As a result, all major highway and rail transportation corridors into and out of Vancouver, BC and the lower mainland were cut off from the rest of Canada, resulting in stranded travelers and delays of currently-unknown magnitude.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

BCTA update: Nov. 19, 2021

BCTA: As per our previous update, the best resource for real time specifics will always be Drive BC ( ). We will NOT be providing notice of real-time highway conditions as the provincial government is best positioned to do this.

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News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, News Releases Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Support for businesses implementing REP

Alberta Government: The $20-million Restrictions Exemption Program Implementation Grant is now open to all eligible businesses, cooperatives and non-profit organizations. In-scope small and medium-sized organizations may use the one-time funding as they see fit. Click to read full release.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Alberta Jobs Now Program opens for next intake

On November 10, 2021, the provincial government opened the second intake of the Alberta Jobs Now Program (AJNP). The intent of this program is to support Albertans, including those with disabilities, to gain the right skills to find and maintain employment through on the job or formal training. This is accomplished by providing a subsidy to employers for 25% of a new hires annual salary up to $25,000, which ever is less. This increases to 37.5% or $37,500 when hiring people with disabilities. [1]

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

What is the Canada-Alberta Job Grant?

People in general want to be engaged at work. One of the tools we can use to do that is by providing meaningful investments in training. Unfortunately, employers often struggle to justify spending that kind of money on training. After all, training an employee costs the employer both money and time.

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AMTA, News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA AMTA, News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

2022 Certificate of Recognition (COR) COVID Audit Plan

The 2022 COVID Audit Plan is in effect from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

-On-site data gathering activities by auditors is suspended until March 31, 2022:

-Internal maintenance auditors who are directed by their employer to remain on-site during the pandemic may continue to conduct on-site data gathering, however the Safe Auditing Guidelines for Auditors and Employers for On-Site Activities must be strictly followed.

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News Updates, Events Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates, Events Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

Results: Alberta Inspectors Challenge

The 2021 Alberta Inspectors Challenge has concluded.

This year’s event was held at the Atmore Vehicle Inspection Station. The event usually takes place in conjunction with the AMTA Professional Truck Driving Championship (PTDC), however with restrictions surrounding public gatherings, PTDC 2021 was cancelled and the inspectors event moved to a smaller venue.

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News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA News Updates Alberta Motor Transport Association AMTA

National Rail Safety Week Sept. 20-26

Via CN Police Service: September 20-26/2021 marks National Rail Safety Week across Canada United States and Mexico. Its annual aim is to increase awareness of the importance of safe behavior near railroad tracks. Operation Lifesaver Canada and Operation Lifesaver U.S. work in partnership with CP, the rail industry, National Rail Safety Week Sept. 20-26government, police, unions and many public organizations and community groups to highlight safe practices around railway property. Although safety awareness is ongoing, this week raises that importance even further.

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