Trucking HR Canada Releases Alberta Labour Market report 2024 - 2030
OTTAWA, ON (November 21, 2024) – Trucking HR Canada (THRC) released its Alberta 2024-2030 Labour Market report today.
“We’re seeing rising job vacancies, changing demographics, new concerns and challenges for employers, and interesting wage data,” says Craig Faucette, Chief Program Officer, Trucking HR Canada.
The Alberta comprehensive report reveals:
Employment is on the rise. Labour supply in the Alberta trucking and logistics sector increased by 5.3%, but the demand for workers increased even more.
Changing demographics. The number of women and workers under 35 in non-driving occupations is steadily growing, and the truck driver workforce continues to age faster than the province’s overall workforce.
New concerns and challenges are shaking up Alberta employers’ priority lists and HR strategies. Rising input costs replace the driver shortage as the top concern, though recruitment, retention, and training of truck drivers remains a key challenge.