Trucking HR Canada launches new resources and webinar focused on driver training

Trucking HR Canada has released a new driver training toolkit and will hold a supplementary, free webinar on June 13th to educate employers on how to best use the resource in their workplace.

The driver training toolkit, called the National Occupational Standard (NOS) Toolkit, was developed with input from stakeholders across the country.  Based on the NOS for Commercial Vehicle Operators, the toolkit provides employers with a guide to support the onboarding and ongoing training of drivers.

Designed to put the NOS in motion, and support ongoing training beyond entry-level training, the toolkit includes the following resources:

The webinar, sponsored by the Canadian Trucking Alliance, will focus on the practical application of the toolkit and is aimed at employers or anyone who is looking to better understand how to use the NOS toolkit in their workplace. Trucking HR Canada will host the webinar on June 13th at noon ET.

“The toolkit and webinar were designed to support the industry with a consistent approach to driver training based on the national occupational standard,” says Angela Splinter, CEO, Trucking HR Canada. “And, by following many employer requests, our national working group helped in developing resources that can be used to support the onboarding of new drivers as well as skills upgrading of experienced drivers.”

The toolkit is free to download here.

To register for the free webinar, email


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