Trucking HR Canada launches 2018 webinar series

Trucking HR Canada: Trucking HR Canada’s 2018 professional development webinar series will focus on practical HR solutions to help employers address key HR challenges. Topics include the legalization of recreational marijuana; mental health in the workplace; coaching and mentoring, and our most popular topic from last year – best practices from Top Fleet Employers.

“Now more than ever, it is critical that trucking and logistics employers are prepared and equipped to deal with the growing HR challenges facing the industry,” says Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada. “Our webinar series will offer practical insights, tips, and resources to help employers address what Trucking HR Canada has identified as key, evolving concerns”.

The first webinar is scheduled for April 25th, at noon EST, and will focus on the legalization of recreational marijuana and its impending impact on employers’ rights and responsibilities. This webinar will be delivered by employment law specialist Shelley Brian Brown, a lawyer with the firm Steinberg Title Hope & Israel LLP.

Cost for the series is $249, with individual webinars priced at $99.

For more information, including the full schedule and guest presenters, please visit


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