Railway Safety Week September 23-29

Submitted by Dean Solowan, Constable/Community Resource Officer

Railway Safety Week is an International awareness week to bring attention the dangers that exist around railway tracks and to educate people.    Education is done through out the year but the real focus will be from September 23-29/2024.   The primary cause for motor vehicle incidents with trains is disobeying traffic control devices.  As a professional driver please follow the rules of the road, remember “professional” carries responsibilities.

Please don’t make these mistakes:

  • Park to close to a railway crossing – you should be at least five meters away or behind the road markings.

  • Committing your self through a crossing when you can’t get across completely – If you can’t fit don’t commit, know your vehicles length.

  • Assuming the train is moving slow and you have time to clear – Trains travel faster than you think, for your standpoint it may look like an optical illusion.

  • Crossing is still active after a train went by and you start going through – some crossings have more than one set of tracks and trains can be travelling from either direction.

  • Think that the train can stop quickly – Trains travelling 100km/hr take on average 10-12 football fields to stop or up to two km.

Your commitment to rail safety can save lives. This #RailSafetyWeek, take the pledge and encourage others to do the same. Let’s make sure that everyone stays safe around tracks and trains: www.cn.ca/railsafety  #RSW2024


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