Province: Maintaining the supply chain during the pandemic response

Via Alberta Government: On March 18, 2020, commercial and passenger road tests were suspended as part of the Government of Alberta’s response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Road testing will resume when it is safe to do so.

Alberta Transportation has developed a process to conduct a limited number of road tests as part of the government’s plan to maintain the supply chain during the COVID-19 response and ensure there are enough drivers to address industry concerns about potential future shortages. Industry is particularly concerned about future needs for more long-haul, agriculture and bus drivers. Information is available here.

Resuming some road tests while minimizing the spread of COVID-19 is an important step in supporting Alberta’s COVID-19 response to maintain the supply chain. Industry and stakeholders, particularly long-haul trucking, agriculture and school bus drivers, have said a limited number of driver tests are needed to ensure there are enough drivers to meet demands in the coming weeks and months.

The COVID-19 road test plan was developed with the support of the Alberta Public Service Commission Occupational Health and Safety as traditional in-vehicle road tests do not allow for physical distancing requirements outlined by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Road tests under this plan will only be permitted to eligible applicants who adhere to the modified road test procedures and public health guidelines to minimize the risk of spread of COVID-19 and support safety on Alberta’s roads.

To determine an applicant’s eligibility for a road test, the applicant must prove employment by or affiliation with an organization that supports the supply chain during the pandemic and must meet the road test eligibility requirements for the desired licence class.

Road test appointments will be scheduled based on services priority (supporting health, utilities and the food supply chain) and on availability of the required personal protective equipment (PPE), (masks, gloves, wipes, and hand sanitizer).

The standard road test procedure for Classes 1, 3 and 4 will be modified as follows:

  • Two government driver examiners in a chase vehicle behind the road test vehicle will assess the applicant by video.

  • A driving supervisor who holds an appropriate licence in the passenger seat beside the client.

  • All participants will comply with cleaning and PPE precautions.

Class 2 road tests continue to be conducted in-cab as there is adequate room in the vehicle to ensure physical distancing is maintained.

Alberta Transportation cannot guarantee the availability of these road tests. The department will continue to monitor the situation and will adjust the program as required.


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