Josh’s Corner – The power of our associations


First off, I want to express my gratitude to the AMTA, and my friend Cliff, for the opportunity to write my truth in Josh’s Corner – I continue to be encouraged by the diligent efforts the AMTA puts forth to serve our great industry.  

Additionally, I want to express my gratitude to the professionals working in the transportation industry. Regardless of the challenges around us, we are an industry that continues to rise above to serve our communities, and to help ensure the supply chain remains successful.  

Over the last few weeks, I notice myself thinking about the good old days – prior to the pandemic, where we could participate in handshakes, high fives and fist bumps.  

Have you found yourself thinking about something similar? Maybe you had a trip down memory lane that had you laughing aloud, although you were by yourself in your vehicle. 

In addition to the fist bumps, I have found myself reflecting on the impact a few people have had on my life over the last handful of years. Some of these thoughts put a smile on my face, knowing these people helped encourage a positive change in myself, while others, not so much.  

Most of us are navigating through different types of isolation– possibly; you are working from home, working in an office space alone or behind the wheel. In these new or longer than normal states of isolation, have you noticed that your mind has also, wandered? 

Have you thought about that one colleague who helped bring the best out of you? Possibly, your mind wandered to a season of life where you felt an emotional rut and an unexpected colleague helped you navigate the murky waters to get through it? Maybe you were that unexpected colleague for someone else, and helped them navigate a challenging season of life. 

Our industry, in my opinion, is full of the unexpected colleagues – people who may have only known you for five minutes, but genuinely care about your success. Being honest, I appreciate this aspect most about the transportation industry.   

I recall a conversation with one of my mentors that really helped my mindset as a professional. He shared “surround yourself with others that encourage you to bring the best of you each day and ensure you monitor how others impact your life”.   

When I first started to get involved in industry associations, I found myself impressed that the association leadership came across with a similar mindset that my mentor shared with me. A few years later, I continue to be impressed that regardless if I am having a conversation with the association President, or fellow industry members, I feel I can bring my best self – that is the power of our associations.  

As I write, I feel compelled to challenge all of us to ask ourselves this question: when I associate with others, am I empowering them to be their best? 

Although “best” can look quite differently, depending on whom you ask, I look at it this way –  

If someone treated me, the way that I treated them, how would I feel? Would I feel encouraged and empowered or would I feel the complete opposite? 

Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.  

The real power of our associations are shown when we bring out the best in others – when we act as the unexpected colleague, and help someone feel like they will be okay. 

Thank you, 

Josh Hannaberry 



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