Instructor Spotlight: Nicole Orr

Nicole Orr teaches Health and Safety Systems Building, Fundamentals of Auditing and COR Auditor

Nicole has 24 years of industry experience with 20 years in Health, Safety and Environment in the construction, municipal, transportation, commercial, manufacturing and engineering industries. Extensive experience in the creation and management of Contractor, Prime Contractor, and Owner Health, Safety and Environment Systems, serious incident and fatality investigations, creation and facilitation of training and regulatory compliance. She has a proven ability to encourage safety initiatives with supervisors, workers, and contractors through positive reinforcement and team building concepts.

What inspires you to teach safety education to the transportation industry?

Transportation is something everyone is affected by and can relate to, but understanding the importance of safety to this industry is sometimes overlooked. I enjoy helping people understand the relevance of health and safety in their workplace and sharing the benefits. Many health and safety practitioners and Owners in this industry  want to do what is right and are keen to learn the best ways to do so. It makes teaching a true pleasure when people come willing to listen and learn. The added bonus? Learning from the experience of others in the room.


WCB Cost Relief Q&A


RELEASE: Showing Personal appreciation for truck drivers during National Trucking Week