CTA urging government to adopt SMART Approach

In its commitment to reducing the trucking industry’s carbon footprint, the Canadian Trucking Alliance thinks there is more Ottawa can do to help carriers reach their goals for greener initiatives.

The CTA said in its federal pre-budget submission, the environment is a clear priority for the trucking industry currently engaged in preparing for mandates aimed at reducing greenhouse gases and other emissions. They’re also urging the government to adopt the SMART (Safe, Managed, Adaptable, Reliable and Tested) approach, which the CTA says is designed to avoid equipment reliability issues associated with previously mandated, untested equipment and technologies which proved unsuitable for Canadian operating conditions.

The CTA’s submission makes note of the transportation industry moving towards a more environmental standpoint to meet carbon emission targets. Examples of more efficient parts include modern engines, alternative powertrains, single wide-base tires and more.

Last year however, the CTA said Ottawa’s 2016 budget included a measure which would no longer “allow for federal excise tax refunds on diesel fuel used for these devices to generate electricity”. A motion which the CTA suggests discourages transportation companies from making investments to reduce their carbon footprint.

 The CTA has created a one-page infographic outlining an important excise tax refund issue for federal members of parliament while calling on the government to change its budget measure. You can send a copy of infographic to your federal MP by clicking here.

“There is a good reason to eliminate the excise tax and bring diesel fuel taxation within the GST/HST envelope,” said David Bradley, CTA president. “At the very least, the revenue it generates should be dedicated to policy purposes related the industry that pays the tax. So, shy not start with supporting some of these technologies, which at least have the benefit of bridging the industry’ environmental goals with those of both government and society?


CTA News Flash: National Task Force on W&D and CTA Priorities on GHG SMART Approach


Another successful year for 18 Wheels of Christmas