Carrier Profiles Now Free of Charge


Good News for Industry – Alberta Transportation announced that effective January 3, 2020, carrier profiles requested online through the Web-Enabled Carrier Profile (WECP) service will be free of charge.

The change has been made to reduce red tape for the commercial carrier industry via online service improvements. The goal is that free access to carrier profiles and public profiles (to be effective January 13, 2020) will encourage more carriers, shippers, drivers and the public to reference and use on-road performance data as they need. This is important information that directly aids in monitoring and evaluating a company’s compliance and will contribute to improving road safety.

Carrier or public profiles requested in hardcopy will continue to be available, yet subject to fees to support print and mailing costs.


In Memoriam


The deadline to fill your WCB-Alberta annual return is Feb. 29, 2020