Alberta Budget 2019

Alberta government released the 2019-2023 budget Oct. 24.

The budget includes:

  • A Job Creation Tax Cut, which reduces the corporate income tax rate from 12 per cent to eight per cent over four years so businesses can grow and create more jobs.

  • Eliminating the carbon tax, giving dollars back to Alberta businesses and families.

  • Removing red tape to streamline government processes that impede job creation.

“We will return our focus to policies that bring good jobs for Albertans,” said Travis Toews, President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance. “The Job Creation Tax Cut and other measures will help generate billions of dollars in much needed new investment and create thousands of new jobs across Alberta’s entire economy.”

For the budget in full, click here. (The Ministry of Transportation is explained on page 112.)


Budget 2019: A review


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