Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC): Instructor Non-DEES Course

Delivery: TBA

Duration: 4 days

Cost: Member | Non-Member - $2,500


Don’t forget to apply your membership code at the time of registration!

Has taken an AMTA PDIC course within the previous 24 months

  • Verify a minimum 36 months Class 1 commercial driving experience

  • Less than 7 demerit points (provide commercial abstract)

  • No driver license suspension that expired within 2 years

  • No Criminal Code driver license cancelation or suspension previous 5 years

  • Has signed the AMTA instructor code of conduct

Course Description

The non-DEES PDIC Instructor Training Course is a four-day course of advanced driver education designed to certify successful candidates as AMTA certified, non-DEES PDIC instructors.

The course enables successful graduates to teach the AMTA’s non-DEES PDIC program for their employer and provides them with a PDIC certificate. Long Combination Vehicle (LCV) Drivers are required to take a PDIC course once every 48 months.

Cancellation Policy: Course fees will be refunded upon request up to 10 business days prior to the scheduled class. A $200 administrative fee will be applied to refund requests received with less than seven business days to the scheduled class. No refunds are issued as of the scheduled class start date.

Cancellation Fee: $200.00; applied seven days before course start date.


Contact our Education team for more information on this course.