Collision Investigation
Delivery: Distance, Classroom
Duration: 2 days
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Investigation
Applies Towards: CTSC, CTSP
Cost: Member - $262.50 | Non-Member - $525
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Collision Investigation provides participants with a systematic process for responding to collisions, gathering evidence, determining the sequence of events, analyzing root cause(s), and developing recommendations for improvement arising from the investigation. This awareness-level course provides participants the opportunity to practice their knowledge and skills across several exercises and activities.
Key topics addressed include:
• Responding to collisions
• Gathering evidence
• Determining sequence of events
• Determining root cause
• Recommending improvements
The modules in this course take participants through the collision investigation process from start to finish. The first module establishes the importance of collision investigation for carriers and safety professionals and explains how it is different from other types of investigation. From there, the course explores vehicle dynamics and their impact on the investigative process. With the foundation laid, the modules progress through the various elements of collision investigation, from on-scene activities through to completing the investigation report.
Collision investigation as been designed to help you develop the knowledge and skills to be successful at the following:
• Plan and initiate an investigative response to a collision event.
• Collect and preserve evidence and information to support a collision investigation.
• Determine the sequence of events related to a collision event.
• Determine the root cause of a collision event.
• Recommend corrective actions in response to a collision event
Course Description
Contact our Education team for more information on this course.