Certificate of Recognition Program

Audit Registration

All COR audits must be registered with AMTA and submitted prior to your audit start date. If there are any discrepancies you will be contacted for verifications.

COR Submission Checklist

Please submit your COR audit and all supporting documentation to audits@amta.ca. A preliminary check will be conducting and confirmation of receipt will be sent.

COR Info Sheet

This informational document provides a one-page summary of the COR program.

Audit Resources & FAQ

Visit our Resources page for a comprehensive collection of links, documents, and tools to support your COR/SECOR audit and education needs.

What Is COR?

COR (Certificate of Recognition) is a voluntary program designed by the Partnerships in Injury and Reduction (PIR). It is essential to WCB’s injury reduction strategies and a key component of the Partnerships programs. By participating in this program you will help your organization:

Decrease your workers’ time away from work

Reduce additional hiring or training costs

Reduce costs associated with claims

Participation in this program also means you could be eligible for refunds up to 20%, and ensuring you are meeting the provincial Occupational Health and Safety standards.

COR is not a compliance program. Since this is voluntary and with exception to loss of a COR, there are no punitive results arising from poor audit performance.

Find a Certified AMTA Consultant Auditor Near You

Contact us for more information on AMTA’s Certificate of Recognition Program