Trucking HR Canada’s National Labour Market Survey

The driver shortage remains a clear and present danger for trucking’s future. It remains one of the top business concerns for fleet owners across the country. Unfortunately, the labour market data available is not telling the whole story.

In order to adequately and appropriately embark on initiatives that can help the industry – we need the whole story. Trucking HR Canada is asking trucking and logistics employers, small and large, in all regions of the country to take 20 minutes to complete a survey.    Click here for the survey:

As a participant of this survey, you will receive:

-Early access to the results

-The opportunity to secure a free pass to Trucking HR Canada’s Workforce Knowledge Exchange on March 11, 2020, in Toronto – an exclusive event only open to those who responded to the survey

-The Workforce Knowledge Exchange will bring together HR professionals and LMI experts for a deep-dive into our survey results and the future of the industry.

We hope you will participate in the survey, and join this important conversation.

Click here for the survey:

 * Workforce Knowledge Exchange open until capacity is reached     This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP)


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Driver Appreciation Days 2019