Trucking HR adds new director to its board

Trucking HR Canada: Trucking HR Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Linda Young—Vice-President of Human Resources and People Development for Bison Transport, to its board of directors.

“Linda Young brings extensive HR expertise, experience, and is recognized within the industry for her valued contributions.” Says Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada. “She has served as chair of the Women with Drive national advisory committee, and her knowledge will greatly benefit Trucking HR Canada’s broader programs and services.”

Linda Young joins Trucking HR Canada Board members:

  • David Bradley, CEO, Canadian Trucking Alliance, Ontario Trucking Association (Chair)

  • Oksana Exell, President and CEO, WestTAC

  • Patricia Harknett, VP, Human Resources, Midland Transport Limited

  • Angelique Magi, VP, Strategic Initiatives, The Guarantee Company of North America

  • Mike McCarron, President/Founder, Left Lane Associates

  • Claudia Milicevic, Senior Director & General Manager, Transcore Link Logistics

Previously, Linda worked as Vice-President of Human Resources for Vita Health Products and before that as Director of Human Resources for Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS). Her career spans 25+ years in a cross section of industries – health care, agriculture, telecommunications, manufacturing and transportation.  Linda is currently a member of the Human Resource Management Association of Manitoba (HRMAM), the Human Resource Committees of the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) and Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA) and the Red River College Business Administration Advisory Committee. She also has her Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation.

Key priority areas for Trucking HR Canada include continued work on skills recognition for drivers; skills development for other key occupations in the industry; identifying and sharing best practices in HR and training; and other initiatives to ensure the industry attracts and retains the qualified workers needed to support efficient and productive operations.


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