Transportation industry members encouraged to report to cargo theft program

It’s been just over a year since the Insurance Bureau of Canada announced a successful cargo theft reporting program operating in Eastern Canada would be expanding to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC.

“The program is progressing well,” said Dan Service, IBC Director, Investigative Services, Western and Pacific Region.  “I just received the 2016 stats and there has been a tremendous upsurge in reporting.”

IBC said in excess of $25 million in cargo was recovered through the program in 2016 and reporting has increased almost 100 per cent (with the majority coming from Law enforcement).

The bureau is more looking for more involvement from the transportation industry. Members can submit any cargo loss details through this online form.

“We support the program and will continue to work with the Insurance Bureau of Canada on its progression,” said AMTA President Lorraine Card. We will also continue to encourage our members to report cargo theft details through the IBC online form.”

Once information is submitted it’s added a cargo notice report and distributed to law enforcement, including the Canadian and U.S borders.

“We need to address the growing problem of cargo theft in this region. It is a major issue across Canada affecting our economy, local businesses, our livelihood and local trucking companies,” said Dan Duckering – past chair of the AMTA board of directors – when the western program was launched. “Truck transportation is the number one method of moving goods across Western Canada and it is imperative we collaborate as a team and develop strategies to solve this problem.”

To learn more about the program click here.


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