SURVEY: Commercial Transportation Orientation

Countless training courses and protocols exist across the commercial transportation industry, yet driver orientation has yet to become one of them.

Based on the assumption all new employees are required to go through some type of orientation, an opportunity exists to standardize and compile information into a suite of courses. The end goal of this orientation being the courses are universally applicable as practicable when done.

Currently, drivers are oriented by their employers with each carrier developing and using their own materials and process. Offering a single source of orientation training will provide benefits across multiple stakeholder groups.

  • -Carriers will benefit through being able to access a standardized training curriculum which will help ensure the consistency of training for all new hires and help free up resources – this would be especially beneficial for small carriers with limited capacity for in-house training.

  • -Drivers will benefit from an industry-developed training focused on safety and best practices to help set them up for success on the road.

The online Commercial Transportation Orientation for Driver will cover a variety of topics including personal and public safety, legislation, journey management and driver professionalism to name a few.

This competency-based training will provide the foundation for additional equipment-specific driver development courses including flat-deck trailers, dry freight vans, and bulk fluid hauling. The Commercial Transportation Orientation is intended to complement and support the additional carrier-specific training drivers will receive from their employer and will benefit individuals who are new to the commercial transportation industry within the province and serves as a valuable resource for those already working in the field.

Perhaps the most important feature of this new training is that it is being developed for industry, by industry. The required competencies, concepts, learning activities, and assessment are based on the input of individuals representing a variety of carriers and employers across Alberta and western Canada.

With all this great work being done we still need your help. The AMTA has drafted a short survey and we need you to participate. Anyone who completes and submits this two-minute survey will be entered into a draw for one of two $200 gift cards.


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