Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting


This year, the Alberta Motor Transport Association (“Association” and “AMTA”) is pleased to convene in person and conduct the business of the Association’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”).

The 2022 AGM of the Association will take place at 9:00 am (Mountain Time), Saturday September 24, 2022, Wild Rose Ballroom, The Rimrock Resort Hotel, 300 Mountain Avenue, Banff, AB.

Association Members ratified amended bylaws at its Special Meeting convened on July 12, 2022.  AMTA’s role, value and influence has grown significantly. The Association has undertaken an ambitious approach to developing partnerships across specific industries and sectors, enhancing its value proposition through future-focused operational outlooks, and targeted strategic advocacy and communications/engagement initiatives.  The decision taken by our membership to adopt the new governance model provided for in the 2022 bylaws, aligns with the Association’s structure, processes, practices, and culture that will be required to support and enable the long-term sustainability and vitality of the AMTA.  This model will equip the Association to address the real-world challenges allowing our governance and bylaws to navigate our current reality and in preparing for the future.

The 2022 Bylaws will be relied upon in the conduct of the 2022 Association Annual General Meeting.   The document can be located here. [1]

Who has the Right to Receive Notice and Vote?

You are entitled to receive notice and to vote at the Annual General Meeting if you are a Carrier Member in good standing, as set forth in Article 2 of the newly adopted 2022 Association Bylaws:

Article 2.3: “All Carrier Members in good standing shall have the right to vote at a Meeting of Members. Associate Carriers Members, Associate Supplier Members, Associate Research Members and Associate Education and Training Members, whether in good standing or not, have no voting rights.”

Two ways to Register:

  1. If you are registered to attend the Association’s Annual Leadership Conference, you will receive a delegate package upon arrival at the conference. At that time, you can pre-register for the AGM, by providing verification that you are an eligible voting Member or designated representative.

  2. If you are not registered to attend the Association’s Annual Leadership Conference, you may register on the day of the AGM prior to it convening, by providing verification that you are an eligible voting Member or designated representative.

Proxy Voting:

Please refer to Articles 2.6 “Designation of Voting/Proxy Representative” and 4.1 “Proxy Voting” guidance of the Association’s July 2022 Bylaws [1].   Members have the right to appoint/register a designate/proxyholder [or an alternate proxy holder] to represent you or your company at the meeting.  You are required to submit in writing or electronic alternative your designation/proxy appointment instructions.

Your voting form tells you how:  Accompanying this Notice is Designation of Voting/Proxy Representative(Downloadable PDF – Click here).

Association Business:

  1. Adoption of Agenda (Motion to Approve)

  2. Adoption of Minutes of 2021 Association Annual General Meeting (Motion to Approve)

  3. Business Arising from Meeting

  4. Presentation of Financial Reports and Receipt of the MNP LLP. report for the year ended December 31, 2021 (Motion to Approve)

  5. Report of the Board

  6. Report of Committees

  7. Election of the Board (Board recommended Slate of Directors)

  8. Appointment of External Auditor (2022) (Motion to Approve)

  9. New Business

Registered Voting Members can access posted documents to be referred to at the meeting (2021 Annual Audited Financial Statements/Minutes of 2020 Annual General Meeting) and reference documents (Ratified Association 2022 Bylaws and Designation of Voting/Proxy Representative

Board of Directors: Nomination of Candidates and Election Process

Due to the impact of COVID-19 in 2020, it was necessary, in the absence of the ability to hold an in-person 2020 Annual General Meeting, to ratify through an ad hoc general meeting of its Board of Directors on August 20, 2020, a one-year extension of certain expiring 2020 Board position terms and to suspend the governance nomination process into 2021.  At its March 18, 2021, regular meeting, the Board of Directors, within its authority, made the decision to defer elections, keeping current the composition of the Board, until such time as a Special Meeting of Members could be held to present membership with amended Association bylaws that align with the Association’s strategic governance structure affecting the board nomination and election process.

The 2022 Association Bylaws provide for a more agile recruitment and nomination process which seeks to establish a strategic board and committee structure to build capacity that will best serve our Association’s membership and the organization’s focus on delivering value to our Member companies.

Article 5.3 Board Candidates: “The Board shall present a slate of qualified nominees for election as Directors at the Annual General Meeting. The qualifications criteria of such nominees shall be determined by the Board. All nominations must include the signed consent of the nominee.”

The Nominating Committee, in making its recommendations regarding Board appointments, will take into consideration:  board size; diversity; nominee suitability in terms of competency, core business skills, industry experience; and insight necessary to proactively steward the Association towards a vibrant and sustainable future.

Interest of Eligible Members in Serving as a Director on the AMTA Board of Directors:

Members interested in serving an AMTA Board Member; nominating a Member for service; or are a professional interested in learning more about serving on the Board of Directors, please send an email to the Nominating Committee at Once the review process has been finalized, AMTA Board Chair, Jude Groves and Nominating Committee Chair, Doug Paisley will contact those who have expressed interest and provide details regarding next steps.


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