Mental Health Week: ‘Getting real about how you feel’


On May 5, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Jason Luan released a statement, including this year’s theme for the week ‘getting real about how you feel’.

Alberta has been hit with a number of issues these past few months from the COVID-19 outbreak to economic uncertainty to the recent flooding in northern Alberta.

“When it comes to mental health and resilience, the importance of social connection cannot be overstated,” said Minister Luan. “For those suffering from addiction or mental health issues, the impact may be more significant with increased levels of anxiety, fear or depression.

If you are struggling with mental illness or addiction, supports are available at no charge, 24-7.

Call Alberta’s Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642.

Alberta’s Addiction Helpline is available 24-7 toll-free and offers confidential support for alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and problem gambling: 1-866-332-2322.

The Kids Help Phone is available 24-7 and offers professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people by texting CONNECT to 686868.

“In line with this year’s theme for Mental Health Week of ‘getting real about how you feel,’ be honest about how you’re feeling with people you trust,” added Luan. “It may be uncomfortable at first, but research indicates that showing vulnerability increases a sense of closeness and belonging. It might also create a space where others will feel comfortable sharing how they feel with you.”



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