March 31, 2023: Alberta OHS code changes take effect

Dave Elniski, AMTA Industry Advisor, Safety & Compliance

On March 1st, 2023, Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Code will change [1].  These changes, already published and just awaiting implementation, are the result of the Government of Alberta’s ongoing work to keep the Code up to date and relevant for employers in Alberta; more information about these regular update efforts can be found at this link [2].

This article will summarize the Code changes most likely to have an impact on provincially regulated trucking and busing companies in Alberta; this article, by itself, will not prepare a carrier to comply with the new occupational health and safety (OHS) rules and is meant only to draw attention to this looming deadline.  The reference section of this article contains links to full details related to the changes; additionally, the Code and other Alberta OHS legislation can be accessed at this link [3].

First aid

The biggest changes to the Code’s first aid requirements, found in Part 11, relate to aligning with specific CSA standards.  Adopting these new CSA standards have resulted in changes to first air course requirements, first aid kit organization, and changes to definitions in this part. Valid first aiders under the previous rules do not have to recertify until their current certificate expires so there is not an immediate retraining requirement; however, employers need to check the specifics of the new rules so their programs remain compliant after March 31, 2023. [4]

Noise exposure

A significant change has been made to Part 16 of the Code: the 85 dBa threshold for noise exposure assessments has been lowered to 82 dBa.  As a result, there will be more employers who need to formally assess their operations for noise.  Trucking and busing companies can be noisy places, so carriers without noise management programs under the current Code should have their operations assessed with the new threshold in mind.

There is another significant change, too: fit testing will be required for hearing protection.  Similar to how certain respirators require fit testing, hearing protection will need to be fit tested to individual workers to ensure adequate protection is being provided.  Since noise assessments generally require specialized equipment and expertise, carriers should be prepared to consult with an occupational hygienist or other appropriate service provider to have their program assessed for compliance. [5]

Control of hazardous energy

Some minor changes have been made to the Part 15 of the Code with regard to the control of hazardous energy on powered mobile equipment.  Carriers, and especially those with shops and who perform any type of maintenance or inspections on equipment and vehicles, should review the new Code. [6]

Miscellaneous amendments and other topics

The Government of Alberta has also produced a bulletin that consists of miscellaneous changes that have been made to the Code [7].  These miscellaneous changes impact the following parts:

  • Part 1 – Definitions and general application

  • Part 3 – Specifications and certifications

  • Part 5 – Confined spaces

  • Part 6 – Cranes, hoists, and lifting devices

  • Part 9 – Fall protection

  • Part 18 – Personal protective equipment

  • Part 39 – Tree care operations

  • Part 41 – Work requiring rope access

  • Part 23 – Scaffolds and temporary work platforms


In addition to the above list, the Government of Alberta has produced bulletins on other parts of the Code that are generally not applicable to most carriers.  However, they are listed here anyways to give an idea of the scope of the changes and in case any carriers reading this have relevant operations [1]:

  • Part 33 – Explosives

  • Part 36 – Mining

  • Part 37 – Oil and gas wells

  • Parts 17 and 40 – Overhead power lines and electrical utility workers

While most carriers will not be impacted by many of these changes, commercial vehicles are part of every industry that is impacted by changes to the Code.  Therefore, these legislation changes need to be reviewed by any health, safety, and compliance professional that works, even partially, in Alberta.

Alberta OHS eNews and the new legislation

Alberta Occupational Health and Safety does an excellent job sharing important information through their eNews.  You can subscribe for free to this email newsletter at this link. [8]

Finally, you can access the specific legislation changes at this link [9].

Need Help? Contact AMTA

AMTA can provide carriers with guidance on the information presented in this article.  If you have any questions, please contact AMTA and our experienced staff will be happy to help.  For your safety and compliance questions, please email Workplace Support Services (WSS) directly at

For more updates like this on a variety of topics related to the trucking industry, please sign up for our eNews.


1 – Government of Alberta. “Upcoming legislation changes.” 2023. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

2 – Government of Alberta. “OHS Code review.” 2023. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

3 – Government of Alberta. “OHS Act, regulation and code.” 2023. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

4 – Government of Alberta. “Change highlights: First aid – Part 11 in the OHS Code.” January, 2023. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

5 – Government of Alberta. “Change highlights: Noise exposure – Part 16 in the OHS Code.” December, 2022. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

6 – Government of Alberta. “Change highlights: Managing the control of hazardous energy –

Part 15 in the OHS Code.” December, 2022. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

7 – Government of Alberta. “Change highlights: Miscellaneous amendments in the OHS Code .” December, 2022. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

8 – Government of Alberta. “OHS eNews.” 2023. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from

9 – Government of Alberta. “Ministerial Order No. 2022-01.” This document contains the specific, new legislation that will come into effect on March 31st, 2023. Accessed January 19th, 2023, from


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