ITF: WCB Premium Relief Program re COVID-ID


Industry Task Force Survey

ITF Member Survey on WCB Premium Relief Program (response requested)

The Industry Task Force has released a brief member survey on the WCB premium relief program announced by government a few weeks ago.  There were suggestions from some members that the $10m cap on insurable earnings should be increased because this places an unreasonable restriction on program eligibility and that the program should be expanded to include public sector employers. There are also unanswered questions regarding participation of not-for-profit employers.

In a note from the task force: The purpose of the survey is to obtain member input on whether the ITF Association should approach government regarding expansion of the program, so it is important we hear from as many members as possible.  The survey will be open until the end of the day on Wednesday April 15th.

As background information, ITF provided a copy of the most recent Employer Fact Sheet , and a copy of the Industry Synopsis report, providing a breakdown of employer size by insurable earnings in the second table on the first page of the report.

Looking at the 2019 dataset for employer earnings, ITF said there were 2,161 accounts where earnings were between $5 m and  $20 m which accounted for $19,830,413,000 in total assessable earnings.  The average for this group is $9.2 million (although an average is probably not the best metric but it is all we have). There were 634 accounts where earnings were >$20m which accounted for $46,866,571,000 in total assessable earnings.   The top tier drops to 582 employers projected for 2020 with more employers being captured in the $5m to $20m tier.

One of the variables we don’t know is how the number of temporary layoffs due to COVID-19 will affect 2020 insurable earnings, and how many employers will drop under the $10m cutoff simply by virtue of cutting their workforce for a period of weeks/months because of COVID-19.

ITF noted they are asking for respondents to identify their member organization to properly tabulate responses in accordance with their Bylaws (i.e. two votes per Association member and one vote per Corporate member).


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