Government of Alberta announces new Cochrane interchange at Highways 22 and 1A

The intersection of Highway 22 and Highway 1A in the northwest corner of the town of Cochrane can often become congested with traffic.

A recent announcement from the Government of Alberta will change that with the twinning of Highway 1A under a twinned Highway 22 bridge; construction of a twinned Highway 22 bridge over the CPR mainline; ramps to access both highways and a Highway 1 A bridge over Big Hill Creek.

“This project is one example of how our government is investing in the transportation network Albertans rely on every day,” said Brian Mason, Minister of Transportation. “Building this interchange at Highways 1A and 22 will reduce travel time for businesses and locals and support more efficient transport of people and goods in this region. It will also help Albertans spend less time on the road and more time with their families.”

Construction on the project could start as early as fall 2019.


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