Go Plaid on Father’s Day

Trucks for Change Network: This Father’s Day, boost team spirit at your workplace by Wearing Plaid For Dad. It’s a great way to combine a fun dress-down day with team-building and a great cause, using a common thread – PLAID!

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian men. Awareness, early detection, and medical research save lives, and your team’s contribution to Prostate Cancer Canada through the #Plaid For Dad campaign will help make a difference. The Canadian trucking industry has been a national leader in participation and fundraising over the past two years, and Trucks For Change Network and Canadian Trucking Alliance are once again encouraging highway carriers and industry trades to get involved in this worthwhile cause.

Here are some quick and easy ideas to have some fun and make a difference on Friday June 15th:
• Host “Plaid Friday”, with employees donating $5 or $10 each to “Go Plaid” that day.
• Combine Plaid Friday with a raffle prize donated by your company for best Plaid outfit.
(Event tickets and gift cards work great!)
• Add a barbecue or pot luck lunch to your Plaid Friday workplace festivities.
• Prefer something a little more creative? How about a workplace baby photo contest (match
the baby photo with the co-worker!), or a coin flip elimination draw (everybody flips together
in succession, flips different than the leader are eliminated, last flipper standing wins!).

You can register your own workplace and donation portal by visiting www.plaidfordad.ca .

Or even easier, you can use the Trucks For Change Network portal at: T4Cplaid4dadportal to
deposit your workplace donations or to make tax-deductible individual or corporate donations.
Trucks For Change will add it all up and announce our industry’s fundraising total on June 18th!
This Father’s Day, help make your workplace more “tightly knit” than ever by Wearing Plaid For Dad !
Have questions or need help planning your Plaid Friday? Contact:
Pete Dalmazzi, Trucks For Change Network
Tel: 905-844-8658

Email: pete@trucksforchange.org


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