Driving Back to Work grant changes

Alberta: The Government of Alberta is making changes to the eligibility criteria for Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridor’s Driving Back to Work (DBTW) Grant. These changes will make grant funding available to a wider variety of Albertans. The grant will continue to provide funding to support recipients in the process of obtaining their Class 1 licence, specifically to complete Air Brake training and Class 1 Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT).

Starting November 7, 2022, Albertan’s eligibility will be expanded to include both the unemployed and underemployed:

  • Any unemployed or underemployed Albertan who works under 29 hours on average a week over a year is eligible to receive grant funding.

    • Previously, applicants were only eligible if they were unemployed.

  • Applicants who can demonstrate that they have the financial support to cover their living expenses during the full-time program through their savings, family support, or Employment Insurance benefits.

    • Previously, applicants were only eligible if they were receiving regular EI benefits for the duration of the program.

  • Applicants who have a clean three-year driving abstract with no demerits, licence cancellations or suspensions.

    • Previously, applicants were eligible as long as they had no driving-related criminal convictions.

Other eligibility criteria remains unchanged, including being a Canadian citizen and passing an examination demonstrating you are medically fit to drive. Along with the changes to eligibility, some changes have been made to the administration of the grant. For information, please visit: Driving Back to Work Grant Program | Alberta.ca on November 7, 2022.

If your school is an existing DBTW Grant registered vendor, we will be in touch with you as we require that you complete a new application form where we will gather some new information about your school. This will not change your status as a vendor and you do not need to complete the Application for EFT (CAD) Direct Deposit again.

If your school is not currently a DBTW Grant registered vendor, and your school is licenced to offer Class 1 MELT and Air Brake training,  we invite you to consider applying to become a registered vendor by filling out the DBTW Grant Vendor Application Form that will be available online November 7, 2022.

If your school is not currently licenced to offer Class 1 MELT and Air Brake training, we invite you to contact trans.driver.prog@gov.ab.ca to find out how to become licenced so you can be part of the solution towards offering this grant to Albertans.

Please do not hesitate to contact trans.driver.prog@gov.ab.ca if you have any questions.


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