CRA Safety Bulletin: LCV speed enforcement

It has been brought to our attention that there seems to be more Long Combination Vehicle (LCV) operators who do not comply with the regulated speed limits in both the Alberta LCV Permit and the Memorandum of Understanding for Rocky Mountain Doubles and Turnpike Doubles.


According to the Alberta LCV Permit (D.4) and the MOUs (Appendix A, Section 3), it states,

“Maximum speed shall be the lesser of 100km/h or the posted speed limit”.

This means when traveling in an area of 110km/hr within Alberta, LCVs are permitted to travel at a maximum speed of 100km/hr, not the posted 110km/hr. However, it is our understanding that enforcement practices for LCVs are the same as passenger vehicles in regards to speed. The AMTA Board agrees with the permit condition and is asking the Alberta Government to start enforcing this very reasonable condition for Long Combination Vehicles.


The AMTA has been requested to assist in educating enforcement officers on the importance of complying to this regulation. For this reason, we will be sending out a compliance bulletin, highlighting the key conditions for the operation of LCVs in Alberta as well as safety reasons for compliance.

Please ensure all drivers are notified of this permit condition and that enforcement will be increased.


Gomes named Bison’s Vice-President, Maintenance


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