COVID-19 Industry Survey results April 6-12

The AMTA will be releasing a weekly industry update survey for Carriers in order to get a sense of how industry is affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Between April 6-12, information of note from 66 respondents included:

What COVID-19 impacts are you seeing within your business?

85% – Revenue decrease
85% – Encouraging/mandating staff work from home
71% – Employee absence due to voluntary self-isolating or caring for a loved one
59% – Cancellation of work related meetings and/or events

Reduction in staffing since March 1, 2020: 29%

Of these, 46% are temporary layoffs due to self-isolation, family care, etc., and 24% are indefinite layoffs due to business conditions.

Has your business experienced difficulty obtaining support for drivers while on the road or while interacting with shippers and receivers?

47% – Yes
53% – No

In terms of procuring personal protective equipment (PPE) would you say you:

40.63% – Have been able to procure sufficient PPE
21.88% – Have been able to procure some PPE, but not enough to meet demand
26.56% – Am struggling to procure PPE
10.94% – Other


Alberta students penning letters to Thank a Trucker


Has your employer asked you to self-isolate or work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic?