Changes to WCB Employer Report of Injury or Occupational Disease


– Rob Dombowsky, Industry Advisor, Human Resources & Labour

On November 29, 2021, WCB Form CO40, Employer Report of Injury or Occupational Disease will change, allowing employers to provide feedback on a claim at the time of submission, and automatically communicate that concern with the claim owner. This form is the standard form that all Employers are required to submit to WCB within 72 hours of a workplace injury.

Through engaging employers, the Industry Task Force’s CAPS subcommittee was able to incorporate feedback provided into the revision below to the Employer Report of Injury.

The following question has been added to the form:

  1. Do you have any concerns affecting the acceptance of this claim?

The employer will be able to indicate “Yes” or “No”. If the employer indicates yes, then a field will open in the electronic form where an explanation of the employer’s concerns can be entered.

A ‘Yes’ response will also notify the claim owner and highlights the employer’s concern for the claim owner so it can be addressed during the adjudication of the claim.

A ‘No’ response will simply allow the report to be processed as submitted.

A change has been made to the paper version as well, where an employer can write in their concerns. This change will be effective December 1, 2021.

Our Services

AMTA can provide members with one-on-one guidance on the information provided in this article. If you have any questions, please contact AMTA and our experienced staff will be happy to help. For your HR & Labor, Safety, or Compliance questions, please email Workplace Support Services at For more information regarding HR and Labour issues please contact Rob Dombowsky at AMTA (403) 214-3439.


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