Cannabis legalization engagement opportunities

As of April 13, 2017, the Government of Canada introduced legislation to legalize, regulate and restrict access to cannabis. Bill c-45, the Cannabis Act is expected to come into effect July 2018.

Currently, the government is assessing how Alberta will adapt to this new legislation in a way that encompasses all Albertans. The government’s goal is to develop an approach which protects roads, workplaces and public health while keeping profits away from criminals and marijuana out of the hands of children and youth.

A Cannabis Regulation and Supply Chain roundtable has been formed and will meet three to four times over the next six to eight months. The first meeting took place June 29.

Until July 31, if you would like to become more engaged and provide input you can:

  • Complete this online survey

  • Provide a written submission to the Alberta Cannabis Secretariat here

  • Find additional information here


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Western Canada Highway News – National Trucking Week Issue