AMTA+ Spotlight: InUnison (Health and Safety) Technologies


Revolutionizing OHS and Transportation Compliance. Achieve SECOR/COR Certification
easier. AMTA Member Discount ($200 off)

InUnison’s online Health and Safety Management System is a game-changer in the world of safety and transportation compliance, offering a comprehensive software solution that empowers businesses to streamline their operations and achieve SECOR/COR certificates with

Safety and Transportation compliance is a critical aspect of any logistics operation. InUnison’s software simplifies the process, helping companies navigate the complex landscape. With features like up-to-date Safety policies and procedures, automated compliance tracking (online forms and checklists), real-time reporting, and audit readiness tools, businesses can ensure they meet all industry OHS standards, minimizing risks and penalties.

The platform offers access to online training courses that enhance the skills and knowledge of your workforce. Training tracking allows you to manage driver safety courses to regulatory updates and driver training compliance, it’s a one-stop-shop, resulting in safer operations and
reduced incidents.

InUnison’s software aids in achieving SECOR/COR certificates, a testament to an organization’s commitment to safety excellence. With its intuitive tools, businesses can streamline the certification process, demonstrating their dedication to safety and reliability. It is the ultimate
solution for transportation companies looking to elevate their compliance, training, and certification game, ensuring a safer and more efficient future in the industry.

To learn more and for your free, 30-day free trial, contact the InUnison team today.
Phone: 403.800.1184
Graeme Math:


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