AMTA introduces Micro-Learn videos to promote safety awareness


The AMTA Injury Reduction and Training Department has produced a number of micro-learning videos to bring awareness to safety issues in and around the workplace.

Slip, trip, and fall incidents are one of the most common injury claims with the Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board. Nearly 14% of lost time claims between October 1 and December 31 (percentage based on WCB data collected from 2017-2019) are a result of falling from the same level.  

Concerns include proper footwear, three points of contact, shop cleanliness, worksite inspections, driver fatigue and fitness, situational awareness, weather, looking out for others, and job pressures.

 This micro-learning project stemmed from a casual conversation between the AMTA and Full Carrier Member Canada Cartage at an association Regional Meeting.  

The AMTA created an outline for the project, worked with Canada Cartage for shooting video, then edited everything together to create a series of short micro-learning videos covering topics like slips, trips and falls and sleep awareness. Micro-learning videos can be used during a staff meeting, reviewed as a safety topic, or hosted on various platforms to reach employees individually. 


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