AMTA 2020 Annual General Meeting Notice & Nomination Forms


The AMTA’s previously announced Notice of AGM is now a Notice of AGM and Special General Meeting.

At the Special General Meeting the following motions will be voted:

1. To elect an auditor for the Association’s 2020 Financial Statements

2. To add two additional seats for non-industry, non-voting board of director positions serving a two-        year term.  Positions will be nominated through the past chair for review by, presentation and vote at the board of directors. Positions may be terminated before the two-year cycle by a motion and majority vote of the board of directors.  These positions must be filled by persons with a clear value proposition and alignment to support the function of the AMTA board including but not limited to finance, legal, business, medical, etc backgrounds.

3. To revise the bylaws to indicate that board mentor roles are non-voting positions

The 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Alberta Motor Transport Association will be held Friday, October 23 at the Eau Claire Sheraton Suites in Calgary, AB.

*Note: A vice-chair will not be elected in 2020

IMPORTANT: For form submission, please print, fill out by hand, scan and email to, or fax to 403.243.4610
*Director At Large forms must be submitted by 4:30 pm on Monday, October 19.

Positions up for nomination include:

– Five Director at Large positions
– Regional Director, Central
– Regional Director, Fort McMurray
– Regional Director, North East
– Regional Director, North West
– Regional Director, Southern


In-Cab Training or Driver Sharing 

  • Prior to entering the commercial vehicle, drivers and instructors should ensure they have done the following: 

  • Disinfected or washed hands 

  • Wear a face mask or shield; and 

  • Have on disposable gloves 

  • Trainers and drivers should always enter he vehicle separately and maintain a social distance of two metres. 

  • Commercial vehicle drivers or trainers should wash their hands frequently under warm, running water with soap for at least 20 seconds, and avoid touching their faces with unwashed hands. This is especially important after coming in contact with other people or surfaces that may carry the virus. When soap and water is not available, a 60 per cent alcohol-based hand sanitizer is recommended.  

  • Commercial vehicle drivers should take precautions such as covering their hands (wearing gloves) when pumping gas, touching the service station door handles, or handling any automotive products that may be required when performing vehicle maintenance, such as filling windshield washer fluid and adding motor oil, if this is possible. If it is not possible, drivers or trainers should apply hand sanitizer after each motion. 

  • As much as possible, physical distancing practices should be observed, staying at least two meters (or six feet) away from other people. Commercial vehicle drivers should keep appropriate distances between themselves and others and avoid direct physical contact (including handshaking). This includes contact with customers, receiving personnel and those at rest stops. 

  • Face-to-face meetings should be kept to a minimum and respect physical distancing requirements. To the extent possible, face-to-face meetings should be replaced with conference calls or video conferencing. Interactions with clients should also be kept as short as possible keeping in mind physical distancing requirements. 

At the End of the Trip  

  • Trainers and drivers should exit the vehicle at different times and or maintain a social distance. 

  • Repeat a thorough cleaning of high-touch surfaces with appropriate disinfectants as described above. Again, allow only one person to do so. 

  • If anyone starts to experience symptoms after completing a trip, they should stay home, self-isolate, and advise their employer so that additional steps can be taken to protect coworkers and others using the truck.  

  • While commercial vehicle drivers are exempt from the 14-day quarantine requirements for business purposes, when off-duty, they should abide by recommendations of local and national public health authorities, including recommendations relating to physical distancing. 


COVID-19 has presented all of us with challenges we have never seen before. It’s important to consider that any of the adjustments we are making today, may need further adjustment tomorrow. It is recommended that you take a look at your preventative measures on an ongoing basis, and adjust them if they are not working well enough or causing other issues with your work. For example, if you decided to use goggles, but they are impeding your vision, or are making other tasks unnecessarily difficult, you may want to try a face shield instead. Or, if you decided you needed a certain kind of disinfectant that is no longer available, identifying alternative disinfecting products or solutions or switching to good soap and water practices may be reasonable substitutes. 

Bottom line? Plan to make regular check-ins and adjustments part of your COVID-19 infection prevention plans. 

*For anyone who thinks they may have been exposed to or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please start by visiting the Alberta Ministry of Health website and taking a self-assessment here: 

Please do not visit an assessment center or medical clinic unless you have been referred by a health care professional. Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency. 



Alberta Government Release: Cutting outdated commercial carrier permits


Release: Temporary reduced hours at ports of entry in Idaho and Montana remain in effect