Alberta Premier salutes commercial drivers amid COVID-19 efforts

“Today I want to issue a call to action in support of a particular group of those unsung heroes, Alberta’s truck drivers.”

Alberta Premier Jason Kenny gave a special shoutout to the province’s commercial transportation industry April 1, during a live COVID-19 update.

“On behalf of the government and the people of Alberta, I want to salute and thank those truck drivers for all that they are doing under trying circumstances during this pandemic,” Kenney said. “Lets all find some way to acknowledge and thank the truck drivers without whom we could not continue to function.”

The Premier shed light on some of the difficulties drivers are currently facing including the closures of restaurants and hotels, and limited access to local drive-thrus due to the size of their vehicles. He singled out McDonalds and Tim Hortons for taking initiative in helping support drivers transporting necessary goods and highlighted the AMTA’s Rest Area Info for Drivers database.

The database breaks down north, central and southern Alberta, highlighted what restaurants, truck stops, hotels and more are available for drivers, their hours of operations and the amenities they offer. Since it’s inception the database has been expanded to include provincial rest areas, and out-of-province rest areas in order to ensure drivers have access to the facilities and amenities they need to keep moving.

“Today (April 1) I’m also calling on restaurants to temporarily allow [drivers] to walk up to their windows and use their restrooms,” the Premier added. “This will maintain our COVID-19 physical distancing protocols while ensuring truckers stay on the road.”

Transportation Minister Ric McIver was also present at the April 1 press conference.

“Those truck drivers, the men and women out there … are absolutely critical to supply lines,” he said. “We’ll keep fighting for them and keep cooperating with our industry partners including [carriers] and the Alberta Motor Transport Association.”

Premier Kenney hinted Minister McIver will be announcing further measures pertaining to drivers on April 3, which will “[relax] some rules for drivers while maintaining public safety.”




Alberta IRP Emergency Waiver for Alberta carriers expiring April 2020 – Waiver attached


AMTA releases COVID-19 rest area database