Alberta plated vehicles won’t be allowed on Saskatchewan highway job sites

Government of Saskatchewan: The Government of Saskatchewan announced [Dec. 6] that vehicles displaying Alberta licence plates will no longer be allowed on job sites for Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure’s new projects.

“Saskatchewan contractors tell us that vehicles with Saskatchewan plates are not welcome on Government of Alberta job sites,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister and Minister responsible for SaskBuilds David Marit said.  “Saskatchewan operators feel forced to register their vehicles in Alberta if they want to do business there.  Today’s announcement just levels the playing field.”

The new restriction was developed in response to industry feedback that Alberta’s practice has placed Saskatchewan suppliers at a competitive disadvantage.  The restriction will apply only to new contracts awarded by the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure.  Existing job sites will not be impacted.

“We are very pleased to see government enacting changes that will level the playing field for our members,” Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association President Shantel Lipp said.  “Saskatchewan heavy construction contractors have been one of the largest employers in the province in good years and in bad, creating major economic impacts and fiscal benefits for Saskatchewan.  Our members invest in people, and machinery to construct our network of roads, railways, pipelines, dams and, in the past century, build mines and cities.  As local construction companies obtain a larger share of the Saskatchewan construction marketplace they develop the people, equipment and capacity to maximize their economies of scale.”

New contracts awarded by the ministry will require suppliers to ensure that no vehicles displaying Alberta license plates are present on ministry-funded work sites.  This will include contractors, sub-contractors, consultants and workers.  Ministry staff will enforce the contract provision through job site monitoring.

“Saskatchewan operators have been subject to this treatment in Alberta for years,” Marit said.  “Today, we are sending a clear message that Alberta suppliers can expect the very same treatment here.”


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UPDATED* Bill 30: An act to protect the health and well-being of working Albertans