Alberta OHS Releases OHS Legislation Search Tool for Albertan Employers


Alberta OHS released a new  OHS legislation search tool that amalgamates the Dec 2021 versions of the OHS Act, Regulation and Code into a new interactive, online tool. The tool enables employers and workers to more efficiently search, access, and apply the current legislation to the business and its employees.

The tool has a few useful and user-friendly features which allow users to quickly find relevant parts of the legislation and bookmark them in the quick reference tool. These features include the following.

Quick Reference Tool

Allows the user to search by keyword and bookmark relevant pieces of the legislation for future reference in one, clean summary document.

Manage Button

Provides the user with the ability to review and deselect bookmarked sections.

View Button

Provides the user with the ability to view the marked sections.

Download button

Allows the user to download a document for storage and future reference or to attach it to an email.

Email Button

Allows the user to forward the quick reference notes to themselves or others.

Print Button

Enables the user to print their quick reference notes.

“The search tool contains a word-for-word transfer of the OHS Act, Regulation and Code, as it appears in the Alberta Queen’s Printer (the official source of Alberta government laws, materials and publications).” [1]

This tool is designed to supplement the official version from the Queens Printer by allowing for a more efficient search of the legislation instead of Queen’s through pages of the book or searching the PDF versions

1 – Government of Alberta. “Convenient access to workplace health, safety rules”. Accessed July 29, 2022 from


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