A letter to the public, on behalf of industry, from AMTA President Chris Nash

Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in our province, Albertans have come together like never before. Families, workers, businesses, lawmakers, elected leaders and industries across the spectrum have shown a remarkable capacity to adapt and persevere.

Our circumstance has been sometimes fearsome, often inconvenient, and always anxious, as the world awaits the scientific communities’ race to find a vaccine. Yet Albertans have remained resilient. Together we have made progress on slowing the spread of infection. Our province’s preparedness has brought us some comfort and has afforded us the ability to help other provinces in need. It is after all, the Alberta way.

Essential workers in our province have made all of this possible. Throughout this ordeal, they have been the ones responsible for providing care, and delivering the goods and services we all need to stay safe.

The Alberta Motor Transport Association is the voice, the standard and the resource for the province’s commercial transportation industry. An industry of countless professionals, and especially drivers, who continue to work around the clock on the frontlines, transporting and delivering essential goods.

For several weeks, our industry has been receiving an outpouring of public gratitude. We are humbled, we are grateful and we are proud to serve. Thank you to not just those who have taken the time to thank truck drivers, but to all of the other frontline workers taking similar risks each day to maintain a collective resilient response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

On behalf of all professional truck drivers in Alberta and the countless carriers, dispatchers, mechanics, shippers and receivers, and others who are essential to our industry, I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for your support and recognition of our industry. What trucking brings to Albertans and Canadians is important and valuable, not just during trying times, but every single day.

Your gestures have become as essential to us, as the goods we deliver and will not be forgotten.

Stay healthy. Stay distant. Stay safe.

Chris Nash,
President, Alberta Motor Transport Association


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