AMTA Industry Innovations Expo

AMTA welcomed over 500 attendees to the Expo, where we showcased 17 innovative zero and low emission alternative fuel vehicles. One of the AZETEC hydrogen fuel cell trucks was included as a showcased vehicle (see AMTA projects for vehicle description). The Industry Innovation Expo brought together the people invested in building a sustainable future for transportation: diverse exhibitors, keynote speakers and attendees representing commercial carriers, industry associations, government, municipalities, emergency response services, post-secondary institutions and high schools.
Steering Change Podcast Episode 18: AMTA’s Inaugural Industry Innovation Expo
As part of the digital program for the Expo, AMTA included several contributed articles from specialists on various topics related to low and zero emission alternative fuel vehicles:
Transportation Emissions, Reductions and Quantification – Brightspot Climate Inc.
Exploring Alternative Fuel Solutions in the Transportation Industry: An Insurance Perspective – Gallagher
Exciting Collaborations in the Hydrogen Ecosystem – NAIT
The Impact of Clean Fuel Regulations on EV Charging in Alberta – Rewatt Power
Building Prosperity into the Future of Trucking – Transition Accelerator
Navigating the Emission Highway: Trucking Industry’s Reporting Challenges - EnviroApps